About Us

I discovered my love of birds through my grandfather. I have such fond memories of watching him with his binoculars peering out the window, talking out loud to himself about the latest visitor to the garden. He always seemed so excited when he would spot a few of his favorites.

cleared path with a wooden fence in the forrestThey lived in a rural wooded neighborhood in Virginia that backed up to the river. As a young girl, I remember playing for hours in the woods and fishing in the river with my younger brother. It was such a delightful place to visit and gave me a love for everything outdoors.

My grandmother was the gardener in the family who had the most amazing English garden. I only learned later in life why they had so many birds in their backyard. It wasn’t by accident! Both my grandparents worked hard to cultivate the type of environment that would attract the prettiest birds to their yard.

Robin on Branch at Daybreak

I hope to share some of this knowledge with my readers. The GardenBirdFeeder.com also hires other enthusiastic gardeners & bird lovers that contribute to the articles you will find on our site.

We love bird watching and know that you do too!